The Flow of Stuff
Look about the space you are in and look at the stuff around you. Nothing is floating around you! Your stuff has a presence in your home, and in my home that is unexplainable. It is there, it is useful and yet it is stuff. So why is it causing you and my problems?
The way we feel dictates how we act unless there is a robust system in place.

The flow of stuff around us is a result of our systems and frames of mind when we do anything. Look at a small angry child in a temper. Their toys are flung around, the face is moody, and words nasty. They then end up in a bigger state because everything is everywhere and then they fall over their things.
So why would I think it is different for us as adults/teenagers? The way we feel dictates how we act unless there is a robust system in place. An example of this would be your car keys or wallet. I know that to leave the house on most occasions I need both these items. So, upon arriving at the front door I unlock it and enter the house, and then lock the door again. Now two options are presented to me: Do I take the key out the door or does the key go somewhere I can get it again quickly?
If its in the door I know where it is and I just need to take it out to leave the house again, if its in my pocket, it again has its own place. Whether I am lethargic or energetic, this same situation will always present itself and because my system is always the same, so too is my reaction.
…or stuff it in my pocket to deal with later…

If I pick a flyer from the post box, here are the options:
Throw it back on the floor for later, put it on the desk for later, put it with the other flyers for later, put it next to me on the sofa while I sit for a second and gather myself for later, take it to the bin, walk around with it to deal with it in a “moment”, or stuff it in my pocket to deal with later…
Actually, the options are endless and because no system exists if you are tired it could end up on the floor again, stuffed into a sorting pile that never gets sorted or thrown in a corner. Systems are important here. By definition, the way stuff moves through your home, office, garage, suitcase… is a direct result of your system. If I keep piling up papers on a table that I never sort through then that pile takes on a whole new feature in the space I live in.
Anyone that says stuff is purely inanimate is not aware of the hold it has nor endless silent shouting it does every time we are near it.

The new feature must be moved around, it needs to be avoided and it needs your full attention EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU LOOK AT IT! It calls from its place, it enters your mind and it changes your own outlook for that moment in time. Anyone that says stuff is purely inanimate is not aware of the hold it has nor endless silent shouting it does every time we are near it.
This continuous noise is tiring, the space is filled and it feels like the stuff is slowly draining the life from you. Time to re-evaluate the value of our stuff, to begin employing systems into our lives that always work!
It is your system and it must work for you over and over again – whether tired, lethargic, sick or energetic.
I’ll address systems again later on but for now, why not take a small step in deciding what system you can use for all those flyers that come through the door. Bin them immediately regardless, move a special bin to the hallway just for such items so there is no effort involved. You decide. It is your system and it must work for you over and over again – whether tired, lethargic, sick or energetic.
Act Anyway for tomorrow may never come
Previously I discussed “The Weight of Stuff” which can be found here. To return to the category of Stuff, click here.