Yoga | Meditation | Massage Therapy | Acupuncture | Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) | Tai Chi | Qi Gong | Healing Touch | Hypnotherapy | Pilates

The Connection

Most of us realise now that it is our mind and thoughts which have the most power over our outlook and our bodies. Mind & Body Techniques focuses our thoughts and relaxes our bodies so we become more in tune with life around us.

In the East, this connection is very often thought of as a direct correlation to happiness and well-being whereas in the West we are only now beginning to appreciate the link.

Often when we realise the link we begin to see certain patterns of thought that lead us to act in particular ways and this highlights our desire to effect change in our lives.

Why Engage in Mind & Body Techniques?

Engaging in Mind and Body Techniques often results in a reduction of anxiety and depression. The decreased feelings of Stress seem to be alleviated by taking your mind away from the thoughts which plague our minds on a daily basis.

Often referred to as pushing the pause button, much of the mind and body technique is to calm the mind, giving it time to think through what so often seem complex problems.

People often talk of increased energy and have lower or a more stabilised blood pressure. All these benefits result in a body that is calm and not on high alert every waking step.

One other important factor is how these techniques often relax the muscles and create calmness throughout the body. Tension headaches are normally caused by muscles in the neck being constricted so tight that they eventually cause a high throbbing in the head.

Simple activities to relieve the tension of those muscles results in better sleep too and these can all be sought through mind & body techniques.

How does it Complement Mainstream Medicine?

Using mainstream medicine often involves ingesting tablets or liquids that act on the bodies’ biological system. These in many cases bring relief from symptoms that may be causing great pain and leading to even further suffering to individuals.

Mind & Body techniques are often suggested as a way of complementing the treatments that a person is taking as they assist and often expedite recovery.

Ever felt a painful headache and then taken some headache tablets to relieve the pain. Sure, most of us have, but we then continue to do the very same activities again. Like sitting all day in from of a computer and not realising that our posture is the reason for the headache initially.

When the painkillers wear off, we are left feeling achy or stiff and then think that something else may be the issue. Here then is the ideal reason to partake in some mind & body techniques. Some of which can be practised right at home.

Are there Communities to join?

There are plenty of communities to become a part of. In your local area, there are normally classes you can attend at your local gym or sports centre. Flyers are sometimes left at supermarket pinboards all offering ways to connect with others and gain the benefits of these techniques.

It really goes without saying but please consult your local doctor prior to starting new or different forms of physical activity. These simple slow movements often seem harmless, but may, during the early stages while you gain core strength, cause you some discomfort. It would also be wise to talk to your new instructor about any conditions you have and about your fitness level so they can properly tailor your meetings to meet your needs.

No one can just get up one morning and run as fast as Usain Bolt. It doesn’t happen without training and each new activity should be approached in the same manner.

As we always say here, you are in charge of your own body – if something doesn’t feel right stop the class or activity, consult your medical practitioner, and if need be change instructor. No prizes for being a martyr!