Latent Lifestyle Foundation
The Latent Lifestyle Foundation Belief on our Purpose in this life.
The Latent Lifestyle Foundation Belief on our Purpose in this life.
We guard it, polish it, look at it, are nostalgic about it, hold onto it, fight for it, pack it away, uncover it, display it and store it. Our Stuff is really stressful! Take a look at all the things around you. They may comprise the small items you collected or the items from…
South Uist is set in a vast ocean of water! There said it! Although the mainland can be seen on clear days it is some distance in the North Atlantic. So between South Uist and the Mainland is a body of water known as the Minch. To get to the island of South Uist…
Established 1898: SANParks – Kruger National Park is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in advanced environmental management techniques and policies. South African National Parks
Gather them, Gather them all together! It is apparent that procrastination is happening in many areas of our lives. From the visible (washing up) to the less visible (paperwork, life decisions, and ignoring the credit card bill!). However, each has it’s own measure of mental fatigue!
It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to learn the lessons from failure. Bill Gates A few months ago I wrote a post on how I could not fail now! I didn’t publish it as I was caught up digging a garden up and generally wandering around. Last night as I…
An overview of South Uist History and it’s dwellings Herring, 8000 years of humanity and a few stone Cairns – Yup post 2 is about the History and Dwellings of South Uist.