Types of Counters and Tools for Diet
Calorie Counters | BMI Counters | Scales (Human) | Scales (Food)
There is so much more to food and our bodies than the numbers we see on a scale or on a counter. At best they are near matches but a calorie cannot exactly count what is in the carrot you are about to feast on. It is an average and for that slight change in thinking, so too should we view the idea of counting calories as a guide to better health and not a perfect answer to it!
Scales are important too. Knowing what we weigh can help us to find out our BMI or what goal we would like to achieve. Using it every day is not the correct way to determine our weight, however. Our bodies are amazing living organisms that take in vitamins, minerals and water at different rates.
The climate affects us, the amount of sleep we have, how stressed we are. All affect our weight on a day by day, hour by hour basis. Our weight too should be a guide to how we view ourselves. A few pounds here or a kilogram there is not going to upset the apple cart too severely, but sudden gains or losses certainly point to greater issues. For that, a medical practitioner is required.
A kitchen scale is the last of the tools that we require in order to count our food, and again, although recipes tell us we should use a pinch of this or 500 grams of that, it too is up to us to decide how we enjoy something. A recipe at best is a good combination of ingredients to create a meal that is palatable and nutritious. (majority of the time unless you are thinking about cake… stop thinking about cake!)
Those combinations are what someone else preferred, but maybe you really enjoy a lot of garlic, or you like Parmesan cheese. Add a bit more then.
Use the counters and tools as guides to be a better you and never let them rule your life. Now repeat after me, “They are guides, ONLY!” See easy to remember, isn’t it?